Archive 2022
(2022) Halla
.... and here a brand new and exclusive work with HEIKKI LINDGREN, which gave us a special pleasure. Finnish folklore instruments combined with ambient textures and drones.
Mathias Grassow : Ambient drones & textures.
Heikki Lindgren : Bowed lyre (Finnish jouhikko), overtone flutes D and F, wooden horn (Finnish lulletti).
Jouhikko (bowed lyre), overtone flute and lulletti (wooden horn) are some of the instruments from Finnish archaic tradition. In this album they are used in modern context, but still in the same long sound aesthetics as they were played centuries ago in Finnish Karelia.
Many thanks to the inspiring soundworks and field recordings of Heikki Lindgren :
This album is the beginning of something new and experimental. To be continued.....
(2022) The DreaM of TimE and RooM
This track was originally called "Dream-Time-Room" and was already recorded in 1992. Newly revised, it now appears here in new splendour - accessible to all who love timeless "deep longform ambient".
This album is a free ambient adaptation and homage to Peter Michael Hamel's organ piece BARDO (1979).
Many thanks to Lev Levin who picked out this jewel from my archives.
Special thanks to Peter-Michael Hamel for the "blessing" of this variation of his BARDO piece from the album of the same name from 1979.
Cover image and layout by Cornelia Kern.
Gleisberg + Grassow: The SEER
Here is the new and long-awaited second work on the renowned swedish GTERMA label in accustomed quality : THE SEER is about the famous american medium EDGAR CAYCE(1877-1945), who in so-called "readings" made contact with other worlds in a kind of trance and seemed both prophetic and was able to make contact with the "hereafter".
He was particularly stressed by many desperate parents & partners, who especially after the 1st World War sought help from him because of the loss of their beloved......
EDGAR CAYCE was called "the sleeping prophet" because he gave his "readings" lying down and with his eyes closed.
Particularly noteworthy for us artists is his statement that "music would be the medicine of the future".
Like all media, Edgar Cayce was not entirely without controversy, but such a discussion should not be the subject of the album dedicated to him here. For more information, please use the Internet.
released October 7, 2022
Album mastered by A.P. in july 2022. Design and artwork by mr_rehn.
Codex Alimentarius
The "Codex alimentarius" is a commission led by the WHO and the lobby of elite (food) corporations, which practically determines what humans are allowed to eat and what not. Under the flag of "consumer protection", it is still forbidden to declare food as a remedy under threat of high fines.
In other words, foods have no healing effect, otherwise they would be medicines. For this reason, the qualities of food and the education of what is really good for us are ignored from conventional medicine. Instead, genetically modified foods are propagated in order to increase profits and keep people in disease and thus dependent.
This work acts now to a very current topic and musically approaches the long-forgotten wisdom about our nutrition.
released August 10, 2022
After "Carmina hildegardis" now - after more than 30 years - my second work, which I would like to dedicate to the great HILDEGARD VON BINGEN.
Cover image (harvested rapeseed field) and layout by my wife CORNELIA KERN, many thanks !
This TRIPLE CD-R is a well chosen one of a small series of works that are distributed here exclusively in a very small edition of 50 copies. All CD-Rs are signed by the artist - same style as "Ascending rosespirals", which is still available in very small stock !
Only 5 images available from bc site - you will get 3 single CD's with front and back images !
(2022) Interstellar ambience
This four-hour epic brings together the stories and tales of the two albums AMBIENCE and INTERSTELLAR GRAVITY into a coherent work and is at the same time a continuation of both albums. AMBIENCE once stood for the mysticism of the earth (-> here especially the Nordic hemispheres), INTERSTELLAR GRAVITY the feelings in orbit, the universe and in all the vastness known to us. Here, heaven and earth unite into a network far beyond the known...... which, understandably, we mostly encounter with fear. Is there life besides us? Is there life among us? Are we and our ideas (!) real at all? Are we in a matrix, in a hologram? What is finite, what is not? Where is the beginning, where is the end?
In view of these questions, this work may seem small, inconsequential and dubious.... may it nevertheless accompany everyone's own insights and hopes and lift up the listener...... in spheres where no human being has ever been before...
released May 3, 2022
Many thanks as usual to my wife Cornelia Kern for cover image and layout.
Celebrated on several electronic and acoustic equipment.
In memoriam of Klaus Schulze (1947-2022).
Karmacosmic: SamSaRa
Karmacosmic has been established in 2003 as a joint project of drone ambient artist Mathias Grassow and film score composer Rüdiger Gleisberg. After many years of hiatus, SamSaRa is their comeback. Karmacosmic is now a full band, again joined by percussionist Carsten Agthe and completed as a four-piece by guitarist and producer Dirk Schlömer, best known for his live work with Ton Steine Scherben.
SamSaRa is a musical journey to far away worlds, ambient-pads meet space sounds and ethnic rhythms.
Buy CD at: Best Around Sound
Listen and download for example at these services:![]()
(2022) Liana of spirits - Rank of souls
This album is dedicated to the importance of ethnological-transpersonal experience with reference to the intake of Ayahuasca, which has a special cultural status especially in South America and is used on all continents in different contexts.
Ayahuasca is here the synonym for the very own forces of nature, going back to DMT, which can be found in all life forms.
The current world political conditions require inner contemplation and knowledge of any kind. May the listener learn through the music alone which way is the most suitable......
released February 4, 2022
This musical realization is not based on a recommendation to take Ayahuasca and the music was not composed and recorded under Ayahuasca.
Many thanks to Cornelia Kern for cover image and support
Continue to News Archive 2021