Mathias Grassow has got some very dedicated fans. As live concerts are rare and many professional concert organizers shy away from the commercial investments to stage ambient or even drone related events, it are often the fans themselves who need to step up if they want to see and hear their favourite artists in person. In late 2014 Mathias Grassow was invited by such a dedicated fan to Moscow for a live event. The Russian music blog [url=]Pied Paper[/url] took the chance to conduct an [url=]in depth interview with Mathias[/url].

You can also read the interview in below article.


The blog Pied Paper describes itself as a "music blog about drone, ambient, ritual, new age and any other kinds of unusual music. It also may be any other style or genre, though." and the main language may be Russian, but ofthen they also offer an English translation.
You can also read the interview below.
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[observer.language=de][url=][i]Meine Musik ist das Echo meines Rufs[/i][/url], unter diesem Titel hat Michael Brückner eines der längsten und tiefsten Interviews veröffentlicht, die Mathias Grassow in seiner Karriere bislang gegeben hat. Es ist eine sehr ausführliche Lektüre, berührt es doch sehr viele Punkte, die Mathias auch heute noch wichtig sind. Wir erfahren von seinen frühesten musikalischen Inspirationen und Gehversuchen, wer und was seine musikalische Vision geformt hat, wir erfahren etwas über seinen Arbeitsstil und vieles mehr.
Lesen gibt nicht nur Themen zum Nachdenken und weiterrecherchieren, es weitet außerdem den Blick und das Verständnis Mathias umfangreiches Schaffen.  
[/observer][observer.language=en][i]My music is the echo of my call[/i] is the headline journalist Michael Brückner has given the article when he published one of the most extensive and most deep interviews Mathias Grassow has ever given. It's quite a long read, but you will find that it does touch quite a few topics, from Mathias' initial musical inspiration, his first steps as a musician, who and what shaped his musical vision, he touches upon his working style and much more. Recommended reading, it will not only give you some food for thought, but also widen your understanding of Mathias' body of work.[/observer]
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